I love my life and enjoy every minute of it. My time is shared between working on my three- year- young online marketing company, Jenesys Group, LLC and my family. My “spare time” is spent cooking, traveling for pleasure, implementing new projects each quarter, socializing with friends and participating in activities to give back to the community. Sounds tiring? Actually it’s not!
Three years ago, I created Jenesys Group (http://www.jenesysgroup.com/), a professional technology company providing online marketing and web site solutions for businesses because of a drive to do more every day.
I always wanted to own a business but I couldn’t make any decisions as to how to go about it. Not to mention the fact that my best friend and hubby (of 23 years now) was never interested in being an entrepreneur and still isn’t. And since I always wanted to own a coffee shop with a bookstore adjacent to it (and still want to), I kept looking to buy a store of some sort. Then one day it hit me, how do I continue working full time, find a business that can be done without being physically somewhere, and yet manage my family obligations – all single handedly. That’s when I decided to open an online company where I knew that I could do a lot of the work through the use of technology and still be able to fulfill my obligations to the family and not quit my day job which paid the bills.
The first year was tough because even though I knew ‘technology’, I knew nothing about running a company, building a pipeline, etc. etc. But I learned from my mistakes. Over the years, I refined my business model and focused more on selling to other strategic partners than to direct end customers who wanted a website and online marketing expertise. Three years later, we have a full team of 20 resources and we do business globally.
I am often amazed at how far I have come. I traveled to the United States from India in 1985 after being married (and it was an arranged marriage too! But that’s the topic of another blog). The only advantage I had was that I spoke English. Other than that, not having a family, having practically no money, being in a completely different social culture than where I was born and brought up, and being in an arranged marriage, all added to a very complicated few years. And although I don’t look back I can say that I couldn’t have been where I am today, without having the experiences of those first few years that shaped myself and my family.
While I continue to run a business and enjoy my family, I also seek opportunities where I can give back to the community and provide something that can benefit others. Thinking, thinking, thinking, I finally decided to launch a radio talk show geared towards merging my business focus to make money with my need to give back to the community. So last week, I launched my first radio talk show, Round Table India (more about it can be found on http://www.miicc.com/).
The radio show has three primary focuses: providing a forum for Asian Indian business owners to showcase their businesses, giving visibility to individuals who are subject matter experts or in an unusual vocation, and giving the youth of the community and charitable organizations the ability to share more about themselves.
Within one week of its inception, the radio show was migrated into an audio pod cast so that it can be heard via the internet at any time of the day or night from anywhere in the world. The show has received a lot of praise and now that it’s on the internet, I’m able to interview guests of Asian Indian descent from anywhere in the world. I’m seeing this also as an opportunity to expand my company’s offerings into creating pod casts for companies and individuals who similarly want to reach a wider audience. So take a listen to Round Table India at http://www.miicc.com/ and let me know what you think.
Ok, enough about me. To end this blog, I’d say that if today was my last day on earth, my only regret would be not having more time to spend with my children and hubby. My goals in life are fairly simple: Be a good mother and wife and in general a great human being, learn continuously to be better than good, be known as an expert in website development and offshore consulting, and of course make money while doing all this!
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